Ignace Debruyne, PhD, President
ID&A Ignace Debruyne & Associates VOF
Haverhuisstraat 28,
B-8870 Izegem (Belgium)
Tel.: +32 51 311 274;
Mobile +32 476 46 07 98
VAT BE 0462.135.912
E-mail :info@smartshortcourses.com
E-mail :ignace.debruyne@gmail.com
URL: www.ignacedebruyne.info
Sefa Koseoglu, PhD, President
Bioactives World Forum
Functional Foods and Bioactive Ingredients Network Division of F&MW LLC
1902 Dartmouth, Unit R-4,
College Station, Texas 77840 (U.S.A.)
Tel: +1 979 216 1210
Cell: +1 979 739 5682
Fax: +1 979 694 7031
Email: sefa.koseoglu@gmail.com
URL: www.membraneworld.com
URL: www.bioactivesworld.com