Smart Short Courses goes LIVE and ONLINE again. We had successful online programs in 2020-2022, but nothing can beat a LIVE program.
As we have done since 2004 we again offer a balanced technical short course with speakers representing a broad cross-section of global Oil Prcessing Technology providers. This will bring together a quality audience with participants from the U.S.A., North and Latin America as well as rest of world, representing Oil Processing and related companies.
Attending a Smart Short Courses program, as participant as well as speaker has shown over and over again to be an excellent opportunity for networking. It also offers a perfect start to develop new business leads and longer-term business relations.
This 2-day short course can easily be combined with AOCS Annual Meeting.
This is a unique opportunity for new plant personnel and for those who are experienced to meet experts in the field to discuss current problems and learn how to enhance their operations.
The course material will also serve as a useful reference for processors, product formulators, chemists and technicians as well as business managers familiar with oils & fats processing, and the production of finished products.
Decision makers such as technicians, equipment manufacturers, product formulators, plant engineers, processors, chemists and sales and marketing specialists.