Ignace Debruyne & Associates Consultancy
  Filtration & Membrane World
18th Aquafeed technical Platform

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Aquafeed Technology Platform EUROPE - 18th Practical
Short Course: Trends and Markets in Aquaculture Feed Ingredients, Nutrition, Formulation and Optimized Feed Production and Quality Management - Novotel Gent Centrum, Ghent, Belgium - December 5 & 6, 2016

18th Practical Short Course:
Trends and Markets in Aquaculture Feed Ingredients, Nutrition, Formulation and Optimized Feed Production and Quality Management
Novotel Gent Centrum, Ghent, Belgium - 5 & 6 December 2016
With additional shrimp farm and fish farm visits and training

Secure payments using PayPal

  1. Register online or download the registration form, fill the form and send by fax (+ 32 51 31 56 75) or Aquafeed short course Email registration
  2. Press the buttons below and follow the registration procedure
  3. To conclude: press and follow instructions.
18th Aquafeed Short Course registration
Ghent, Belgium, December 5 & 6, 2016
Download registration form and program
18th Aquafeed program
12th Aquafeed
REGULAR Registration
(AFTER November 6, 2016)

€ 945.00

Academic Registration

€ 495.00

(AFTER November 6, 2016)

€ 545.00

Academic CREVETEC option

€ 295.00

AQUABIO option

€ 75.00


€ 75.00


      Smart Short Courses, Haverhuisstraat 28, B-8870 Izegem (Belgium)
Fax +32 51 31 56 75; Short Course Information Request
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